Processing is a free and open-source software platform for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. In 2019 the Processing Foundation invited communities around the world to join them in organizing events in multiple locations to celebrate and promote the use of the tool. In order to bring this tool closer to the design and art communities in Chile, I took the challenge of organizing the event in Santiago with the support of the design agency Felicidad.
For a fast and focused campaign mainly in social networks and communication channels of universities and union organizations, I developed a simple, festive, colorful and easy to remember identity. These concepts were also used for the website facilitating the registration process.
The event was divided into two sessions, classes in the morning and talks in the afternoon. We printed posters with the work of the students and distributed merchandizing that included code samples to test at home. Processing Community Day Santiago was an example that working with code is a collective work that is only possible if everyone participates.
Branding Event Code Web design
Alfredo Duarte
Production Team
Felicidad: Antonia Berger, Veronica Calderón, Christopher Cea, Tamara García, Victoria Gallardo, Isidora Jimenez, Consuelo Kehr, Josefa Labarca, Felipe Lozano, Jorge Navajas, Valentina Rubio
Nicolás Troncos, Ricardo Vega
Roy McDonald, Juan De Magalhaes, Nicolás Troncoso, Pao olea, Javier Garay, Enrique Rivera