Moving Ecologies is the Pavilion of Chile's proposal for the Biennale Architettura 2023: The Laboratory of the Future. It presents a field of encapsulated seeds grouped into five topics, inviting visitors to contemplate the relationship between humans and nature beyond the notions of progress and production. Instead, it emphasizes ecological repair and the restoration of cities and landscapes. This vision envisions a future that is both designed and sown, where architecture and seeds, cities and ecologies intertwine.
Each seed is labeled with a QR code that directs you to its corresponding file on the project website. There, you can explore architectural projects that utilize these species for ecological restoration or to enhance urban life.
To achieve a cohesive digital and on-site experience, the website upholds the graphic identity developed by Constanza Gaggero. It is organized based on the three fundamental concepts that underpin the pavilion proposal, facilitating effortless navigation between projects and seeds by showcasing their interrelations. A streamlined set of components and a well-defined hierarchy system, ensures a user-friendly interface that enhances this purpose.
UX/UI Mobile Ecology
Gonzalo Carrasco Purull, Beals & Lyon Arquitectos
Ecology Consultants
Macarena Calvo Tagle, Cristóbal Elgueta Marinovic
Art Director
Belén Salvatierra Meza
Graphic Identity
Constanza Gaggero Silva
Digital Enviroment
Alfredo Duarte
Felipe Cisternas
Ministry of Cultures Arts and Heritage f Chile