Ritmo Media is a project developed and edited by Ritmo Estudio, a creative brand content consultancy specialized in the development of storytelling and media strategies. It answers to two trends: on one hand, that of many experts wanting to connect with audiences based on topics that they love and, on the other, that of content selection and curation in the digital age.
With a mobile first approach, we worked together with the Ritmo team to develop a site that puts content and authors at the center, inviting visitors to focus on the illustrations and the reading experience. At Ritmo Media content is king (and queen) to the point that the site is stripped of any graphic element other than the beautiful illustrations developed by the Ritmo team, all UI elements are text and the site only uses a subtle green gradient to highlight content when necessary.
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Project lead
Sofía Aldea
Alfredo Duarte, Tamara García
Alfredo Duarte
Tamara García, Camila Valencia